The Belief of Ancient Egyptians on Death And Immortality
One of the most impressive, mysterious, rich, and long-lasting empires of all the time is Egyptian empire. Egyptian empire was started in 3100 BC to 332 BC lasted almost 3300 years. Their king was addressed as pharaoh during all these years hundreds of pharaohs ruled. Boundaries of the Egyptian kingdom stretches from modern-day Syria to the Sudan who knew the empire on the desert one day will be pondered as a most remarkable empire. As nothing is immortal same for the Egyptian empire which came to the end but Egyptian Empire is incompatible and the most astonishing for their beliefs, their kingdom, number of civilizations like ( old kingdom, middle kingdom, and first intermediate)fashion, attributes, treasure, gods, art and their kings.
Gods of Egypt
When it comes to gods they forgot the teaching of Polytheist ancient Egyptians worship numerous and believe in serval gods almost 100 like cats, horses, Hathor god of music, Neith god of war, god Amun, and sun and after 3100Bc when Egypt began to rule by pharaohs they also began to consider as a god.
Pharaohs and the noble ones
The noblest ones were the pharaohs and the royal family. Pharaohs were considered role models with unperishable power. In ancient Egypt, priests were also granted higher ranks and duties while other people were considered as middle or lower class. Slavery was one of the major components of the grand Egyptian kingdom.
Death, immortality, and afterlife
Death is the reality nothing can sustain. Everything has its end same for the humans. Historians found a zany belief among the people of the Egyptian empire they believed in the “life after death (afterlife)” which is also known as immortality. They deem after the burial soul reaches back the body and here becomes a new life an immortal life.
Ancient Egypt had a firm belief in life after death. To have a lucrative afterlife they worshipped the gods always try to make God happy by paying alms to them, giving them food, building their remarkable temples, bowing in front of them, celebrating traditions, reciting poems and songs, and giving endowment to priests.
Great pyramids of Giza and valley of kings
For the pharaohs they believe after death they become a god. There is not a reality in their beliefs but indistinct. Great pyramids of Giza which are also considered as the wonder of the world and the valley of kings, Luxor Egypt also known as the valley of the gates of kings have shaken the historians for their magnificent architect buildings and the majestic tomb of pharaohs.
Notable tombs
Roundabout 64 tombs have been discovered in the valley of kings like the tomb of pharaoh Ramesses I, Ramesses II his mummy is now in Cairo’s Egyptian museum, Ramesses III and king Tutankhamun are the notable tombs in the valley of kings.
Construction and similarities of tombs
The tombs were found with few similarities all the tombs were made up of rocks these peerless cutting of rock represents the advancements of architecture in ancient Egypt. Each temple consists of complex chambers there are spectacular paintings on the wall which array the stories of kings but are difficult to understand. Wine and beer were found in a bulk moreover jewels, ornaments, and a considerable quantity of gold. Coffins of pharaohs were made with the finest gold. Historians also found the linen cloth which was wrapped around the mummy of the pharaoh so it can be preserved for a long time. According to historians Egyptians were masters in mathematics which helped them building such remarkable tombs.
Tombs of Pharaohs
Tombs in ancient Egypt were only built for the kings (pharaohs) and the nobles of the kingdoms. During their ruling time kings build their tombs after their death they used to get a splendid burial there mummies were wrapped in a cloth and their bodies were placed in a wooden coffin that has final layers of gold. Necessities of life like food, clothes, furniture, and wine were also settled in the tomb. All the non-royal people like servants and governors were buried in separate small chambers ancient Egypt believe all these servants will serve the king in the afterlife. In the end, the tomb was closed who knew beneath these deserts were the most vulnerable treasures.
Historians say Soon after the closing of the tomb, they were robbed as several ornaments gone missing and the destruction of different parts of tombs is the prove of robbery.
Discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb
Up till now, 64 tombs are discovered but most notable is the tomb of Tutankhamun also knows as (king TUT). In the 20th century Howard Carter was in search of ancient Egyptian tombs on 4th November 1922 he discovers a tomb ok king Tutankhamun. This tomb was beneath the tomb of Ramesses XI hidden for more than 3000 years. King Tutankhamun was only 18 when he died but his tomb is the most superior to any other tomb that could be found in the valley of kings.
His tomb contained a complete wardrobe including underwear’s, animal head beds he used in his life, a magnificent throne made up of gold, white vessels filled with food, jars of wine, Tutankhamun mummy was in the gold platted coffin inside were 2 more coffins made up of gemstones inside were his body with a most astonishing eye-catching gold mask on his face.
These were the baseless belief of death and immortality in ancient Egypt but they reveal the history to us. Now in Egypt, these beliefs are not followed anymore. Moreover, it is expected that more tombs will be discovered which will assist in understanding Egyptian history deeply.